Word Meaning Occurrences
digitus finger, toe 57
digero to force apart, separate 6
diffundo to pour out, spread out 16
diffugo to put to flight, scatter 1
diffugio to fly apart, disperse 2
diffido to distrust, be diffident 1
diffidentia distrust, lack of faith 6
difficultas difficulty, trouble 4
difficilis difficult 20
difficile with difficulty 11
differo to differ, to defer 19
differentia difference, diversity 5
differens different, superior 4
diffamo to proclaim widely, to defame 10
dievus Dievus 1
dies day 3078
didymus Didymus 6
didrachmon double drachma, half-shekel 4
didrachma double drachma, half-shekel 2
dictum saying, word 2