Word Meaning Occurrences
diligo to value highly, love 482
diligentia diligence, care 11
diligenter carefully, diligently 61
diligens industrious, careful 3
dilectus beloved, dear 123
dilectio love 68
dilato to make wide, enlarge 39
dilatio delay, postponement 4
dilatatio extending, enlarging 2
dilanio to tear to pieces, mutilate 2
dilacero to tear to pieces, tear apart 5
dilaceratio tearing apart 1
dilabor to fall apart, fall to pieces 3
dijudico to judge, discern 19
dignus worthy 161
dignosco to know apart, distinguish 1
dignor to deem worthy, deign 8
dignitas worth, merit 11
digne worthily, fittingly 17
dignatio honor, rank 1