Word Meaning Occurrences
discumbo to lie down, recline 58
discubitus reclining at table, place at table 5
discrimino to divide, part 1
discriminale hairpin, headdress 1
discrimen decisive moment, crisis 3
discretor discerner, judge 2
discretio separation, discernment 4
discordia disunion, disagreement 4
discoquo to boil to pieces, boil thoroughly 1
discooperio to uncover, lay bare 19
discolor of different colors, variegated 2
disco to learn 120
discipulus pupil, disciple 526
discipula female discipline 2
disciplinatus well-instructed, disciplined 4
disciplina instruction, teaching 106
discingo to ungird 1
discindo to tear asunder, cut apart 2
discessio separation, division 6
discerpo to tear in pieces, rend 7