Word Meaning Occurrences
divinatio divination, prophecy 14
divido to separate, divide 225
dives rich, wealthy 138
diverto to turn aside, to lodge 23
diversus different, diverse 35
diversorium lodging place, inn 10
diversitas difference, contrariety 4
divello to tear apart, rend asunder 1
diuturnus of long duration, lasting 1
diurnus of the day, by day 2
diu for a long time 12
dito to enrich 14
ditio sway, rule 12
dithalassus where two seas meet 2
distringo to pull off, pull out 3
distributio division, distribution 5
distribuo to divide, distribute 27
distraho to pull asunder, tear in pieces 1
disto to stand apart, be separate 1
distinguo to separate, divide 6