Word Meaning Occurrences
dominus lord, master 9147
dominor to rule, to prevail 109
dominium property, right of ownership 2
dominicus of a lord, of the Lord 6
dominatrix female ruler, mistress 2
dominator ruler, master 25
dominatio rule, dominion 12
domina mistress, lady 17
domicilium habitation, dwelling 7
domesticus of a household, domestic 25
doma roof, house 6
dolus deceit, cunning 72
dolosus crafty, cunning 28
dolositas deceit, deceitfulness 1
dolose craftily, deceitfully 5
dolor pain, sorrow 129
dolo to cut, hew 7
doleo to grieve, suffer 45
dogma doctrine, decree 4
doeg Doeg 6