Word Meaning Occurrences
dudum a short time ago, before 3
dudia Dudia 1
ductus leading, length 1
ductor leader, guide 9
ductilis ductile, malleable 8
duco to lead, to marry 336
ducenti two hundred 97
ducatus military command, leadership 5
dubius dubious, doubtful 12
dubito to waver, doubt 7
dubitatio uncertainty, doubt 3
drusilla Drusilla 2
dromedarius dromedary 1
draco serpent, dragon 61
drachma drachma 10
doto to endow, to give a dowry 2
dothan Dothan 1
dothain Dothain 4
dositheus Dositheus 3
dosithaeus Dositheus 1