Word Meaning Occurrences
emim Emim 3
emigro to move, depart 2
emergo to bring forth, bring to light 2
emer Emer 1
emendo to free from faults, correct 3
emendator corrector, amender 1
emendatio correction, amendment 1
emath Emath 37
emarcesco to wither away 7
emano to flow out 3
emanatio emanation, diffusion 1
eman Eman 3
emalchuel Emalchuel 1
elzebad Elzebad 1
elzabad Elzabad 1
elymas Elymas 2
elymais Elymais 1
eluzai Eluzai 1
elul Elul 2
elucido to light, enlighten 1