Word Meaning Occurrences
frondosus full of leaves, leafy 11
frondeo to put forth leaves 5
frigus coldness, chill 20
frigo to roast, parch 6
frigidus cold, frigid 13
fretum strait, sound 17
frequento to visit frequently, to celebrate 3
frequentia throng, multitude 7
frequenter often, frequently 27
frequens constant, frequent 8
frenum bridle, bit 16
frendo to gnash the teeth 3
fremo to roar, snort 12
fremitus roaring, snorting 4
fraus fraud, deceit 12
fraudulentus cheating, deceitful 7
fraudulentia deceitfulness, fraud 3
fraudulenter deceitfully, by fraud 11
fraudo to cheat, defraud 19
fraternus of a brother, brotherly 1