Word Meaning Occurrences
fuscus dark, swarthy 1
fuscinula fork 8
furvus dark, dusky 2
furtum theft 22
furto secretly, by stealth 3
furtivus stolen 2
furtive secretly, by stealth 1
furtim by stealth, secretly 1
furor madness, fury; to steal, take secretly 206
furo to rage, be furious 3
furnus oven, fireplace 3
furiosus mad, furious 2
furibundus raging, mad 1
fur thief 50
funus funeral rites 2
funis rope, cord 27
funiculus slender rope, cord 50
fungor to perform, execute 32
funebris of a funeral, funereal 1
fundus bottom, lowest part 3