Word Meaning Occurrences
gubernator steersman, helmsman 11
gubernatio steering, governing 2
gubernaculum helm, rudder 6
gryps griffin 2
grossus unripe fig; thick, bulky 4
grossitudo thickness 2
grex flock, herd 201
gressus step, path 38
gremium lap, bosom 1
gregatim in flocks 2
gravo to burden, weigh down 37
graviter gravely, seriously 15
gravitas weight, heaviness 2
gravis heavy, serious 64
gravidus laden, filled 1
gratus welcome, pleasing 12
gratulor to manifest one's joy 2
gratulatio manifestation of joy, rejoicing 3
gratuitus free, gratuitous 4
gratis for nothing, without payment 34