Word Meaning Occurrences
quicumque whoever, whatever 430
ܪܒܐ great; chie 430
vado to go 431
porta gate, entrance 431
ܚܝܐ save 431
testimonium witness, testimony 432
עַתָּה now 433
נפל to fall 434
ܒܝܬܐ house 434
inimicus enemy, hostile 435
benedico to speak well of, bless 435
עוֹלָם eternity; world 438
fero to bear, carry 438
אֲדֹנָי Lord 439
itaque and so, therefore 439
ܣܓܝܐܐ much, many 439
quidem indeed 444
ἦν he was 445
ܐܙܠ depart, go 447
ܫܟܚ find 448
occido to strike down, kill; to fall, go down 449
מצא find 453
congrego to gather together 453
אַרְבַּע four (masculine) 454
ܐܒܐ father 455
custodio to guard, keep 456
pax peace 460
interficio to kill 461
quam how, how much 462
transeo to go over, cross 464
μετά with (with G); after (with A) 468
שׁמר keep, guard 468
pes foot 468
טוֹב good 469
קֹדֶשׁ holiness 469
conspectus sight, presence 470
tres three 471
κατά against, with (with G); according to, by, at (with A) 473
ϫⲉⲕⲁⲁⲥ in order that, so that 474
ago to do, perform 478