Word Meaning Occurrences
זוב flow, flow with 42
יסד be founded 42
יָתוֹם the fatherless 42
מְנוֹרָה lampstand 42
תְּבוּנָה understanding 42
נתץ pull down, break down 42
אֱנוֹשׁ human being, humankind 42
צֹר Tyre 42
יוֹנָתָן Jonathan 42
יִשַׁי Jesse 42
נָתָן Nathan 42
גּוֹלָה exile, deported 42
דְּנָה this 42
קֳדָם before, in front of 42
offendo to strike against, offend 42
sal salt 42
cubiculum bedroom 42
admiror to wonder at, admire 42
siquidem since indeed 42
praeses ruler, governor 42
claudus lame 42
agnosco to recognize, know 42
polliceor to promise 42
sterno to spread, strew 42
speciosus beautiful, handsome 42
vinctus bound, fettered 42
comminuo to break, crush 42
percipio to receive, obtain 42
janitor doorkeeper, porter 42
incedo to go, walk 42
subditus subject, submissive 42
perambulo to pass through, go about 42
ardeo to be on fire, burn 42
prosterno to throw down, overthrow 42
contentio striving, struggle 42
insto to be near, draw near 42
sileo to be silent 42
caligo mist, darkness; to be misty, darken 42
fenestra window 42
tribulo to afflict 42