Word Meaning Occurrences
אַדִּיר mighty, majestic 27
יוֹבֵל ram 27
פתה fool; persuade 27
כַּפֹּרֶת mercy seat 27
נָדִיב noble; willing, inclined 27
פַּח plate 27
נתק pull off; draw away 27
מְסִלָּה highway, course 27
שָׂטָן opponent; the Satan 27
נְקָמָה vengeance 27
בְּלִיַּעַל wickedness; worthlessness 27
חקר search out, search 27
שׂושׂ rejoice 27
יצת kindle 27
שְׁמוּעָה report 27
נֵבֶל harp 27
פלט carry away, let escape 27
שַׁלּוּם Shallum 27
נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּר Nebuchadnezzar 27
Μαριάμ Mary 27
magus wise-man, magician 27
defungor to depart, die 27
progenies lineage, generation 27
assimilo to liken, make like 27
facilis easy 27
frequenter often, frequently 27
suffoco to choke, strangle 27
molestus troublesome, annoying 27
tribunal judgement seat 27
spatium space, interval 27
ingemisco to groan, sigh 27
titulus title, inscription 27
nativitas birth 27
stagnum standing water, pool 27
retineo to keep, retain 27
distribuo to divide, distribute 27
stercus dung, excrement 27
israelita Israelite 27
gemitus sigh, groan 27
desino to cease 27