Word Meaning Occurrences
נְדָבָה free will, free-will-offering 26
חתם have sealed, be blocked 26
אוה desire 26
בַּז plunder; booty 26
קדם meet; go in front; do early, for the first time 26
יגע make weary, trouble 26
תְּחִנָּה mercy; entreaty 26
עֶזְרָה help, helper 26
צְרוּיָה Zeruiah 26
צוֹם fasting; time of fasting 26
גְּדַלְיָהוּ Gedaliah 26
שְׁאָר rest 26
אֱוִיל foolish; fool 26
בָּרוּךְ Baruch 26
הוֹן enough; wealth, property 26
שִׂים to set, lay, put 26
horreum storehouse, barn 26
andreas Andrew 26
amplus large, abundant 26
cooperio to cover over, to clothe 26
exterior outer, exterior 26
socrus mother-in-law 26
medicus medical, physician 26
placitus pleasing, acceptable 26
littus shore, beach 26
homicidium manslaughter, murder 26
saepe often 26
undecimus eleventh 26
aestus heat 26
figulus potter 26
necdum not yet 26
praecipito to cast down headlong 26
libenter willingly, gladly 26
purgo to cleanse, purify 26
tracto to handle, treat 26
velo to cover, wrap 26
abia Abia 26
mathathias Mathathias 26
penna feather, wing 26
aro to plow, till 26