Word Meaning Occurrences
iscariotes Iscariotes 24
jacto to throw, toss 24
bethania Bethania 24
vereor to fear, reverence 24
obscuro to darken, obscure 24
galilaeus Galilean 24
consuesco to be accustomed 24
magdalene Magdalene 24
circumspicio to look around, observe 24
portentum portent, prodigy 24
querela complaint, blame 24
describo to copy out, describe in writing 24
evigilo to wake up, awaken 24
vix hardly, barely 24
praecingo to gird, to encircle 24
occasus falling, going down 24
adulter adulterous, unchaste; adulterous 24
petitio request 24
hydria jug, urn 24
quindecim fifteen 24
reptilis creeping, reptile 24
cursus running, course 24
mortalis subject to death, mortal 24
jason Jason 24
obedientia obedience 24
velamen covering, veil 24
poto to drink, to give to drink 24
absorbeo to swallow down, devour 24
renovo to renew, restore 24
inopia lack, scarcity 24
sacramentum thing to be kept sacred, secret 24
pristinus former, ancient 24
emundo to cleanse, purify 24
unctio anointing 24
statera balance, scales 24
animans animate, living 24
aelam Aelam 24
pherezaeus Pherezite 24
moabites Moabite 24
maacha Maacha 24