Word Meaning Occurrences
amos Amos 23
acceptus welcome, pleasing 23
diverto to turn aside, to lodge 23
computo to count up, calculate 23
chorus choral dance, chorus 23
quantum how much, as much as 23
piscina pond, pool 23
macto to sacrifice, slaughter 23
insanio to be mad, insane 23
prospicio to look out, to provide for 23
genero to beget, to produce 23
caedes slaughter 23
cis Cis 23
decretum decree 23
gomorrha Gomorrha, Gomorrah 23
primitivus first of its kind, first-born 23
sono to make a noise, sound 23
devito to avoid, shun 23
nepos grandchild 23
contradictio contradiction, disagreement 23
amor love 23
injuste wrongfully, unjustly 23
jezabel Jezabel 23
gigas giant 23
saba Saba 23
decorus fitting, seemly 23
totidem just as many 23
lia Lia, Leah 23
spolio to strip, despoil 23
tumulus hill, mound 23
aegroto to be ill, sick 23
ungula hoof, claw 23
exaspero to irritate, provoke 23
roboro to strengthen 23
cauda tail, cauda; cauda, tail 23
retorqueo to twist back, turn back 23
operimentum covering, cover 23
eruditus learned, educated 23
praecido to cut off 23
jubilaeus jubilee 23