Word Meaning Occurrences
חֶלְקָה portion of ground, field 23
רָחָב broad, wide 23
גלח shave 23
צָהֳרַיִם noon 23
מַס forced labour; task-workers 23
נגשׂ oppressor; press, drive 23
זֵכֶר remembrance, memory 23
מִקְרָא convoking, convocation, reading 23
שֹׁחַד present, bribe 23
כהן act as priest 23
עָשִׁיר rich 23
כִּיּוֹר basin, pot 23
שֵׁכָר strong drink 23
מְרִי rebellion 23
תּוֹצָאוֹת outlets 23
מִישׁוֹר uprightness, level place 23
פָּסִיל idol 23
מָבוֹא entrance, entering 23
אֲבִיָּה Abijah 23
יעל profit, avail, benefit 23
חֲזָאֵל Hazael 23
דִּמְעָה tears 23
שַׁחַת grave; pit 23
יאל act foolishly; keen, decide; begin 23
דְּהַב gold 23
רַב great 23
thamar Thamar 23
sero to sow, plant; late, at a late hour 23
pulso to strike, beat 23
samaritanus Samaritan 23
paterfamilias head of a household 23
forum public place, market 23
crimen charge, accusation 23
everto to overturn, overthrow 23
invito to invite, entertain 23
securus free from care, untroubled 23
quotquot however many, as many as 23
falx sickle, scythe 23
speculator guard, eye-witness 23
circumsto to stand around, surround 23