Word Meaning Occurrences
aequalis equal 22
subtus below, underneath 22
fere about, nearly 22
corus cor, Hebrew dry measure; northwest wind 22
pectus breast, chest 22
acquiro to get, obtain 22
exspectatio awaiting, expectation 22
satis enough 22
metus fear 22
magnalia great deeds, mighty works 22
ebrius drunk 22
jucunditas joy, enjoyment 22
cilicia Cilicia 22
aethiops Ethiopian 22
propositum purpose, intention 22
abstineo to abstain, refrain from 22
agrippa Agrippa 22
defendo to defend, protect 22
factor maker, doer 22
guttur throat 22
signaculum sign, seal 22
rebecca Rebecca 22
offensio tripping, offense 22
insero to engraft, to insert; to sow, plant 22
vocatio calling, summons 22
doctus learned, skillful 22
cymbalum cymbal 22
paupertas poverty 22
inimicitia enmity 22
innumerabilis countless, innumerable 22
nebula cloud, mist 22
ninive Nineveh 22
cades Cades 22
parum little, too little 22
quercus oak 22
sedecim sixteen 22
cibaria food, provisions 22
sceptrum scepter 22
machir Machir 22
pestis plague, pestilence 22