Word Meaning Occurrences
גדע cut down 22
תעב abhor; make abhorred 22
שָׂמֵחַ joyful 22
דָּת decree, law 22
כַּרְמֶל (Mount) Carmel 22
עֶקְרוֹן Ekron 22
נָבָל Nabal 22
קיץ wake up 22
אַיִל pillar 22
אִיזֶבֶל Jezebel 22
נָבוֹת Naboth 22
זַעַם indignation, curse 22
שָׂשׂוֹן joy, exultation 22
מַעֲרָב sunset, west 22
עֶזְרָא Ezra 22
בְּנָה to build 22
עִם with 22
conjux spouse 22
thesaurizo to store up treasure 22
datum gift 22
flo to blow 22
torqueo to twist, to torture 22
insurgo to rise up, rise against 22
trigesimus thirtieth 22
furtum theft 22
triduum space of three days 22
cathedra chair, seat 22
negotiatio business 22
verax true, truthful 22
pareo to appear, be visible 22
barabbas Barabbas 22
summitto to lower, to submit 22
irrideo to laugh at, mock 22
imprudens imprudent, rash 22
filiolus little son 22
condo to create, found 22
amicio to wrap around, clothe 22
invado to enter, to attack 22
sanctitas holiness, sacredness 22
heber Heber 22