Word Meaning Occurrences
juste rightly, justly 21
socer father-in-law 21
clavus nail 21
senesco to grow old 21
occisio killing, slaughter 21
nudius the … day since 21
exhortatio exhortation, encouragement 21
summa sum, total 21
utilitas usefulness, advantage 21
stipula stalk, straw 21
turpis ugly, foul 21
fictilis made of clay, earthen 21
adversor to be against, oppose 21
auxilior to help, aid 21
cain Cain 21
ora edge, fringe 21
miseria misery, wretchedness 21
pomum fruit 21
convallis valley 21
aggravo to make heavier 21
lassus tired, weary 21
gemma gem, precious stone 21
ripa bank, shore 21
scyphus cup, goblet 21
sustento to hold up, support 21
stratum bed, couch 21
ithamar Ithamar 21
elcana Elcana 21
morticinus of a dead animal, carcass 21
ascensus ascent, approach 21
secretus private, secret 21
inops poor, helpless 21
masphath Masphath 21
videns seer, prophet 21
subsisto to stand still, stay 21
nabal Nabal 21
adarezer Adarezer 21
naboth Naboth 21
ϩⲙⲟⲧ graciousness, favor (m.) 21
ⲟⲩⲛⲧⲁⲛ we have 21