Word Meaning Occurrences
נְתִיבָה path 21
מִיכָיְהוּ Micaiah 21
צום fast 21
יָבֵשׁ Jabesh 21
קִישׁ Kish 21
אָכִישׁ Achish 21
הֲדַדְעֶזֶר Hadadezer 21
נֹגַהּ brightness 21
מַשָּׂא utterance, oracle 21
שׁוע cry for help 21
מְגִלָּה roll, book 21
זְרֻבָּבֶל Zerubbabel 21
נָעֳמִי Naomi 21
אֲרַע earth 21
גְּבַר man 21
שְׁנָה to be different, diverse; year 21
joatham Joatham 21
ululatus howling, wailing 21
zona girdle, belt 21
palea straw, chaff 21
decet it is fitting, it is suitable 21
derideo to laugh at, deride 21
afficio to do to, to afflict 21
vaco to be empty, to be at rest 21
farina flour, meal 21
fragmentum piece broken off, fragment 21
adulterium adultery 21
quot how many, as many 21
haesito to hesitate, doubt 21
pseudopropheta false prophet 21
hospes host, guest 21
detestor to curse, execrate 21
fel gall 21
deservio to serve, wait on 21
bini two by two, two each 21
opportunus opportune, timely 21
revereor to be afraid, to reverence 21
ubique everywhere 21
quintusdecimus fifteenth 21
sulphur sulfur, brimstone 21