Word Meaning Occurrences
dissensio disagreement, dissension 20
frigus coldness, chill 20
vehemens eager, forceful 20
sacerdotalis priestly 20
redemptor redeemer, one who buys back 20
achaia Achaia 20
apollo Apollo 20
ejusmodi of that kind, such 20
gemo to sigh, groan 20
fraternitas brotherhood 20
sublimitas height, elevation 20
transitus passing over, passage 20
pignus pledge, token 20
leviticus Levitical, Levite 20
impie impiously, wickedly 20
hyacinthinus hyacinth-colored, blue 20
octingenti eight hundred 20
famula maid-servant, female slave 20
vacca cow, heifer 20
gener son-in-law 20
floreo to blossom, flower 20
praefectus overseer, commander 20
nadab Nadab 20
equitatus horsemen, cavalry 20
ephod ephod, upper garment of jewish priest 20
superhumerale ephod, upper garment of Jewish priest 20
patruus paternal uncle 20
mortariolum small mortar 20
commotio moving, motion 20
achitophel Achitophel 20
hazael Hazael 20
ahicam Ahicam 20
extraneus foreign, strange 20
tryphon Tryphon 20
ϩⲙⲉ forty 20
ϥⲧⲟⲟⲩ four 20
ϣⲱⲡ to receive, accept 20
ⲥⲙⲟⲧ pattern, form, manner 20
ⲣⲟⲩϩⲉ evening (m.) 20
ⲡⲏ that 20