Word Meaning Occurrences
יוֹרָם Joram 20
אֲחִיתֹפֶל Ahithophel 20
יְהוֹאָחָז Jehoahaz 20
אֲחִיקָם Ahikam 20
מַחְסֶה refuge, shelter 20
עָרִיץ tyrant; terrifying, ruthless 20
תַּזְנוּת fornication 20
יחשׂ enrol oneself by genealogy 20
חֵ֫לֶם dream 20
חֵיוָה beast, animal 20
פַּרְזֶל iron 20
aminadab Aminadab 20
obed Obed 20
baptismus dipping, washing 20
demonstro to show, indicate 20
abundans plentiful, overflowing 20
debitum debt 20
tenebrosus dark, gloomy 20
porrigo to reach, extend 20
lupus wolf 20
fluxus flow, flux 20
nurus daughter-in-law 20
surdus deaf 20
olim once, formerly 20
spargo to strew, sprinkle 20
debilis crippled, disabled 20
foramen opening, hole 20
damno to condemn 20
sepultura burial 20
sementis seed 20
exter outward, outside 20
concurro to run together 20
difficilis difficult 20
edictum edict, order 20
concutio to strike, shake 20
nachor Nachor 20
sem Sem, Shem 20
momentum slightest movement, moment 20
damnatio condemnation, damnation 20
unigenitus only-begotten 20