Word Meaning Occurrences
praecipio to command, instruct 619
ⲑⲉ manner, way (f.) 619
filia daughter 621
ignis fire 622
os mouth; bone 624
judicium judgment, trial 628
אָח brother 629
קום stand up, stand 629
ἔρχομαι come, go 632
ἀλλά but, however 638
gloria glory, boasting 641
יְרוּשָׁלִַם Jerusalem 643
ἀπό from, away from (with G) 644
propheta prophet 644
exercitus army 645
revertor to turn back, return 647
juxta near to, according to 648
aegyptus Egypt 649
credo to believe, to entrust 649
ⲁⲗⲗⲁ but 651