Word Meaning Occurrences
judas Judas 370
aperio to open 370
puer boy, servant 372
quisque whoever, whatever 372
שַׁעַר gate 374
sequor to follow 374
בנה build 376
נְאֻם utterance 376
υἱός, οῦ, ὁ son 377
רוּחַ spirit, wind 378
אֵשׁ fire 378
corpus body 378
maneo to remain 378
πνεῦμα, τος, τό spirit; breath 379
ירד go down, descend 379
urbs city 380
ܝܘܡܐ day 381
ⲛⲉ they are 382
mundus adornment, world; clean, pure 384
ⲕⲁⲧⲁ according to 384