Word Meaning Occurrences
bonum good thing, possession 329
nam for 329
λόγος, ου, ὁ word 330
עֵץ tree, wood 330
pecco to err, sin 330
lignum wood, tree 330
ܩܪܐ call 330
adoro to worship, adore 331
relinquo to leave, abandon 331
ܥܒܕܐ deed, work 332
ἐάν if, when, ever 333
περί about, concerning; for, because (with G); around; about (with A) 333
אָדוֹן Lord 334
servio to be a servant, serve 334
reddo to give back, render 334
jam now, already 335
nihil nothing 335
ⲟⲩⲁ one, someone; blasphemy (m.) 335
סָבִיב surrounding, around 336
duco to lead, to marry 336