Word Meaning Occurrences
לֵבָב heart 252
מַטֶּה staff, rod; tribe 252
sapiens wise, knowing 252
cubitus elbow, cubit; bed, couch 253
hora hour 253
placeo to please, be acceptable 253
salvus safe, whole 255
amicus friend; friendly 255
similis like, similar 256
ܒܬܪ after, behind 256
excelsus high, elevated 257
λαμβάνω receive, take 258
eligo to pick out, choose 258
simul together, at once 258
ⲧⲁⲓ this (n.f) 258
ⲉⲩϫⲱ sayings 260
μαθητής, οῦ, ὁ disciple 261
pauper poor 261
quare on what account, why 261
בָּבֶל Babel, Babylon 262