Word Meaning Occurrences
μήτηρ, τρος, ἡ mother 83
μήτι marker of a question 2
μήτιγε not to speak of, not indeed (from μήτι γε) 0
μήτρα, ας, ἡ womb 2
μητρολῴας, ου, ὁ matricide 1
μητρόπολις, εως, ἡ metropolis, chief city 1
μία one (feminine of εἱς) 35
μιαίνω defile; stain 5
μίασμα, τος, τό misdeed, crime 1
μιασμός, οῦ, ὁ defilement 1
μίγμα, τος, τό mixture, compound 1
μίγνυμι mix, mingle 4
μικρός, ά, όν small 46
Μίλητος, ου, ἡ Miletus 3
μίλιον, ου, τό mile 1
μιμέομαι imitate, follow 4
μιμητής, οῦ, ὁ imitator 6
μιμνῄσκομαι remember 23
μισέω to hate (disfavor) 40
μισθαποδοσία, ας, ἡ recompense 3