Word Meaning Occurrences
λεπρός, ά, όν with a skin disease 9
λεπτόν, ου, τό small; small copper coin 3
Λευί, ὁ Levi 2
Λευί, ὁ Levi 6
Λευίτης, ου, ὁ a Levite 3
Λευιτικός, ή, όν Levitical 1
λευκαίνω make white 2
λευκοβύσσινος, η, ον made of fine white linen 0
λευκός, ή, όν bright; white 25
λέων, οντος, ὁ lion 9
λήθη, ης, ἡ forgetfulness 1
λῆμψις, εως, ἡ receiving 1
ληνός, οῦ, ὁ wine-press 5
λῆρος, ου, ὁ idle talk, nonsense 1
λῃστής, οῦ, ὁ highwayman 15
λη̑ψις taking, seizing 1
λίαν exceedingly 12
λίβανος, ου, ὁ frankincense 2
λιβανωτός, οῦ, ὁ censer; incense 2
Λιβερτῖνος, ου, ὁ freedperson 1