Word Meaning Occurrences
ܥܠܘܝ aloe 1
ܥܠܝܐ Most High; upper; exalted; lofty 5
ܥܠܝܡܐ man; young man; youth 19
ܥܠܝܡܬܐ woman; young woman 5
ܥܠܝܬܐ room 6
ܥܠܠܬܐ produce; fruit; income 3
ܥܠܡܐ age, eternity 413
ܥܠܡܝܘܬܐ worldliness; secularity 1
ܥܠܡܢܝܐ worldly; mundane 1
ܥܠܡܥܠܡܝܢ forever and ever and ever 1
ܥܠܥܠܐ storm; gust; whirlwind 4
ܥܠܬܐ cause; occasion 34
ܥܡ with 723
ܥܡܐ people, nation 324
ܥܡܐܘܣ Emmaus 1
ܥܡܕ baptize, sink 80
ܥܡܘܕܐ pillar 4
ܥܡܘܛܐ dark 1
ܥܡܘܨ Amos 1
ܥܡܘܪܐ Gomorrah 16
ܥܡܛܢܐ darkness; obscurity; mist 6
ܥܡܝܢܕܒ Aminadab 3
ܥܡܝܩܐ deep 2
ܥܡܝܪܐ grass; hay 5
ܥܡܠ toil; labour; trouble 9
ܥܡܠܐ toil; labour 13
ܥܡܢܘܐܝܠ Emmanuel 1
ܥܡܨ shut; close 2
ܥܡܩ dig 1
ܥܡܪ dwell 57
ܥܡܪܐ wool 2
ܥܢܐ answer 179
ܥܢܒܬܐ grapes 3
ܥܢܕ depart; absent 3
ܥܢܘܕܐ absent; foreigner 1
ܥܢܢܐ cloud 28
ܥܢܬܐ wicked; perverse 2
ܥܣܒܐ herb; grass 9
ܥܣܘ Esau 3
ܥܣܩ difficult; hard 1