Word Meaning Occurrences
gethremmon Gethremmon 4
gethsemani Gethsemani 4
gezem Gezem 1
gezer Gezer 1
gezeron Gezeron 1
gezez Gezez 2
gezonites Gezonite 1
gibbus hunch, hump 2
giblius Giblius 2
gideroth Gideroth 1
giezi Giezi 12
giganteus of giants 1
gigas giant 23
gigno to beget, bring forth 354
gihon Gihon 5
gilo Gilo 2
gilonites Gilonite 1
gineth Gineth 2
gith black cumin, Roman coriander 3
glacies ice 7
gladius sword 504
glarea gravel 2
gleba lump of earth, clod 3
globus round body, ball 3
gloria glory, boasting 641
gloriatio boasting, vaunting 12
glorifico to glorify 109
glorior to glory, boast 139
gloriose gloriously 7
gloriosus glorious 35
glutinum glue, adhesive 1
glutio to swallow, gulp 4
gnarus skillful, expert 4
gnidus Gnidus 3
goatha Goatha 1
gob Gob 2
godolia Godolia 1
godolias Godolias 30
gog Gog 14
golan Golan 1
golgotha Golgotha 6
golias Golias 1
goliath Goliath 7
gomer Gomer 6
gomor gomor, omer 6
gomorrha Gomorrha, Gomorrah 23
gomorrhaeus Gomorrhite 4
gorgias Gorgias 12
gortyna Gortyna 1
gosem Gosem 1
gosen Gosen 3
gossem Gossem 3
gothoniel Gothoniel 2
gozam Gozam 1
gozan Gozan 4
grabatus low bed 25
gracilis thin, slender 1
gradior to step, walk 52
gradus step, degree 58
graece in the Greek language 6
graecia Greece 9
graecus Greek 38
gramen grass, blade of grass 3
granatus having many grains 2
grandaevus of great age 2
grandis large, great 112
grando hail 44
granum grain, seed 16
grassor to go about, to fall upon 1
gratia favor, grace 599
gratifico oblige, gratify 2
gratiosus full of favor, agreeable 2
gratis for nothing, without payment 34
gratuitus free, gratuitous 4
gratulatio manifestation of joy, rejoicing 3
gratulor to manifest one's joy 2
gratus welcome, pleasing 12
gravidus laden, filled 1
gravis heavy, serious 64
gravitas weight, heaviness 2