Word Meaning Occurrences
frendo to gnash the teeth 3
frenum bridle, bit 16
frequens constant, frequent 8
frequenter often, frequently 27
frequentia throng, multitude 7
frequento to visit frequently, to celebrate 3
fretum strait, sound 17
frigidus cold, frigid 13
frigo to roast, parch 6
frigus coldness, chill 20
frondeo to put forth leaves 5
frondosus full of leaves, leafy 11
frons forehead, brow; branch, leafy bough 56
fructifer fruit-bearing, fruitful 9
fructifico to bear fruit 17
fructus enjoyment, fruit 298
frugi useful, fit 1
frumentum grain 63
fruor to enjoy 16
frustra in vain, without cause 50
frustro to deceive, disappoint 1
frustror to deceive, disappoint 2
frustum piece, bit 15
frutetum place full of bushes, thicket 2
frutex shrub, bush 1
frux fruit, crops 48
fucus red dye, red color 1
fuga fleeing, flight 35
fugio to flee 388
fugitivus fleeing, fugitive 8
fugo to put to flight 24
fulcio to prop up 6
fulcrum post, rail 1
fulgens shining, dazzling 4
fulgeo to flash, shine 17
fulgor lightning, lightning bolt 5
fulgur lightning 35
fulguro to flash with lightning, glitter 4
fullo fuller 6
fulmen stroke of lightning, thunderbolt 3
fulvus deep yellow, reddish yellow 1
fumarium smokehouse, chimney 1
fumigabundus causing smoke, smoking 1
fumigo to smoke 7
fumo to smoke, steam 4
fumus smoke, steam 56
funda sling 10
fundamentum foundation 82
fundibularius slinger 3
fundibulum sling 1
funditus from the foundation, utterly 2
fundo to pour, spill; to found, establish 92
fundus bottom, lowest part 3
funebris of a funeral, funereal 1
fungor to perform, execute 32
funiculus slender rope, cord 50
funis rope, cord 27
funus funeral rites 2
fur thief 50
furibundus raging, mad 1
furiosus mad, furious 2
furnus oven, fireplace 3
furo to rage, be furious 3
furor madness, fury; to steal, take secretly 206
furtim by stealth, secretly 1
furtive secretly, by stealth 1
furtivus stolen 2
furto secretly, by stealth 3
furtum theft 22
furvus dark, dusky 2
fuscinula fork 8
fuscus dark, swarthy 1
fusilis molten, of molten metal 10
fusorius molten, made by casting 1
fustis club, cudgel 9
fusura casting of metal 1
fusus spindle 2
futurus future 54
gaal Gaal 9
gaas Gaas 4