Word Meaning Occurrences
fluvius river 81
fluxus flow, flux 20
focaria kitchen maid, cook 1
focus fire-place, hearth 4
fodio to dig, to pierce 50
foede foully, cruelly 1
foederatus allied 4
foedero to establish by treaty 3
foeditas foulness, filthiness 3
foedo to defile, to dishonor 1
foedus covenant, compact; foul, loathsome 213
foenerator money-lender 5
foenero to lend at interest 7
foeneror to lend at interest 10
foenum grass, hay 61
foenus interest, loan 5
foeteo to stink 4
foeto to breed, bring forth offspring 1
foetor stench 7
foetosus prolific, fruitful 1
foetus offspring; pregnant 10
folium leaf 29
folliculus small bag, sack 1
fomes kindling, tinder 2
fons spring, fountain 110
for to speak, utter 1
foramen opening, hole 20
foras outside 94
forceps tongs 6
forensis belonging to the forum, public 2
forinsecus on the outside, outward 15
foris outside, abroad; door, gate 85
forma form, shape 36
formator former, fashioner 2
formella little form, mould 1
formica ant 2
formido to fear; fear 31
formidulosus producing fear, dreadful 4
formo to shape, form 37
formosus finely formed, beautiful 6
fornax furnace, oven 31
fornicaria adulteress, prostitute 7
fornicarius fornicator, prostitute 9
fornicatio fornication 95
fornicator fornicator 10
fornicor to fornicate 71
fornix arch, vault 2
forsitan perhaps 45
fortasse perhaps 1
forte by chance, perhaps 231
fortis strong, brave 366
fortiter strongly, vigorously 30
fortitudo strength, fortitude 212
fortuitu by chance 1
fortuna fortune, fate 1
fortunatus Fortunatus 4
forum public place, market 23
fossa ditch, trench 9
fovea pit 35
foveo to keep warm, to cherish 10
fractio breaking 4
fractura breach, fracture 3
fragilis easily broken, fragile 3
fragmen broken piece, fragment 5
fragmentum piece broken off, fragment 21
fragor crashing, crash 1
fragrantia scent, odor 2
fragro to emit a smell, to smell 1
framea spear, sword 5
frango to break, shatter 67
frater brother 1415
fraternitas brotherhood 20
fraternus of a brother, brotherly 1
fraudo to cheat, defraud 19
fraudulenter deceitfully, by fraud 11
fraudulentia deceitfulness, fraud 3
fraudulentus cheating, deceitful 7
fraus fraud, deceit 12
fremitus roaring, snorting 4
fremo to roar, snort 12