Word Meaning Occurrences
festinato quickly, hastily 7
festino to hurry, hasten 88
festinus in haste, hurrying 14
festivitas festivity, festival 16
festuca stalk, straw 12
festum festival, feast 5
festus solemn, festive 88
fibula buckle, clasp 5
ficarius pertaining to figs 1
ficetum fig orchard 2
fictilis made of clay, earthen 21
fictio pretence, insincerity 3
fictor maker, shaper 7
fictus feigned, pretended 9
ficulnea fig tree 12
ficus fig, fig tree 65
fidejussor guarantor, surety 2
fidelis faithful, believing 205
fideliter faithfully 11
fidens trusting, confident 5
fides trust, faith 548
fiducia trust, confidence 90
fiducialiter confidently 15
figmentum formation, figure 7
figo to fix, fasten 46
figulus potter 26
figura form, shape 19
figuro to form, shape 5
filia daughter 621
filiolus little son 22
filius son 5791
filum thread 4
fimbria fringe, edge 14
fimus dung, muck 7
findo to split, separate 2
fingo to make, fashion 25
finio to limit, to finish 27
finis end, limit 395
finitimus adjoining, neighboring 3
finitio limit, boundary 1
fio to be made, be done 706
firmamentum support, firmament 42
firme firmly, steadily 1
firmitas firmness, strength 5
firmiter steadfastly, immovably 1
firmo to fix, secure 47
firmus firm, strong 50
fiscella small woven basket 2
fiscus woven basket, purse 1
fistula tube, pipe 7
fixura fastening, imprint 2
flacceo to be flabby, to droop 1
flagello to whip, scourge 34
flagellum whip, scourge 31
flagitiosus shameful, disgraceful 1
flagitium shameful act, crime 3
flagro to flame, blaze 1
flagrum whip, scourge 1
flamma flame 71
flammeus flaming, fiery 1
flammo to kindle, inflame 1
flatus blowing, breath 10
flavesco to become golden yellow 1
flavus golden yellow, reddish yellow 2
flebilis to be wept over, lamentable 1
flecto to bend, bow 28
fleo to weep 149
fletus weeping 52
flexura bending, turning 2
flo to blow 22
florens blooming, flowering 1
floreo to blossom, flower 20
floridus in bloom, flowering 2
flos flower 31
fluctuatio wavering, vacillation 2
fluctuo to fluctuate, waver 5
fluctus wave 40
fluentum running water, stream 7
flumen stream, river 163
fluo to flow 51