Word Meaning Occurrences
fallacia deceit, trick 12
fallax deceptive 7
fallo to trip, to deceive 6
falsiloquus speaking falsehoods 1
falso falsely 3
falsus false, lying 69
falx sickle, scythe 23
fama report, rumor 30
famelicus suffering from hunger, famished 2
fames hunger, famine 141
familia family, household 245
familiariter familiarly, on friendly terms 1
famosus much talked of, famous 4
famula maid-servant, female slave 20
famulatus slavery, servitude 1
famulus servant, slave 43
fanum temple 19
far spelt, grain 3
farina flour, meal 21
farinula little bit of flour 1
fas law, justice 8
fascia sash 2
fasciculus small bundle, packet 8
fascinatio enchanting, bewitching 1
fascino to bewitch, enchant 2
fascio to bind up, swathe 1
fascis bundle 1
fasti official calendar, registers 1
fastidium loathing, nausea 1
fastigium highest part, top 3
fateor to confess, acknowledge 1
fatigatio weariness, fatigue 4
fatigo to tire, make weary 17
fatuitas foolishness, folly 3
fatuus foolish 38
faunus sylvan deity, faun 1
faustus favorable, auspicious 1
faux throat, jaws 11
favilla cinders, hot ashes 10
favus honeycomb 12
fax torch 4
febricito to have a fever, be feverish 4
febris fever 13
fel gall 21
feliciter happily, fortunately 2
felix happy, fortunate; Felix 15
femina woman, female 50
feminalia breeches 5
femineus womanly, feminine 5
femininus female, feminine 2
femorale covering for the thigh 1
femur thigh 33
fenestra window 42
fera wild animal 12
ferculum litter, bier 1
fere about, nearly 22
feretrum litter, bier 1
feriae days of rest, festivals 5
ferio to strike, to slay 16
ferior to rest from work, observe a holiday 1
fermento to leaven, ferment 17
fermentum leaven, yeast 44
fero to bear, carry 438
ferocitas wildness, fierceness 2
ferociter fiercely 3
ferox wild, fierce 2
ferramentum iron tool 1
ferrarius pertaining to iron 3
ferratus furnished with iron, iron-clad 2
ferreus made of iron 49
ferrum iron, sword 65
fertilis fruitful, fertile 4
fertilitas fruitfulness, fertility 3
ferus wild, untamed 7
ferveo to be boiling hot, to glow 11
fervesco to boil 1
fervor boiling heat, vehemence 6
fessus wearied, tired 1
festinanter hastily, quickly; hastily, quickly 5
festinatio haste, hurry 10