Word Meaning Occurrences
extensio extension 1
extenuo to make small, reduce 1
exter outward, outside 20
extergo to wipe, wipe off 10
exterior outer, exterior 26
exterminatio destruction 1
exterminator destroyer 3
exterminium extermination, destruction 11
extermino to destroy, mar 43
externus outward, external 6
extero to tread down, crush 1
exterreo to strike with terror 18
extimesco to be greatly afraid, dread 6
extinguo to quench, extinguish 55
extirpo to root out, extirpate 2
exto to stand out, stand forth 8
extollentia lifting up, pride 2
extollo to lift up, to extol 31
extorqueo to twist out, wrench out 2
extra outside, beyond 108
extraho to draw out, draw forth 13
extraneus foreign, strange 20
extremitas extremity, end 2
extremum end, tip 33
extremus utmost, last 32
extrico to disentangle, extricate 1
extrinsecus outside 14
extrudo to thrust out, push forth 1
exturbo to drive out, thrust out 1
exubero to grow luxuriantly, abound 2
exul banished person, exile 2
exultatio exultation, rejoicing 4
exulto to exult, leap for joy 11
exuo to take off, strip off 14
exupero to rise above, prevail 2
exuro to burn up, consume 18
exustio burning up, conflagration 2
exuviae that which is stripped off, clothing 1
ezechias Hezekiah 129
ezechiel Ezechiel, Ezekiel 5
ezecias Ezecias 1
ezel Ezel 1
ezer Ezer 4
eziel Eziel 1
ezra Ezra 1
ezrahites Ezrahite 3
ezrel Ezrel 1
ezri Ezri 4
ezricam Ezricam 5
ezriel Ezriēl 2
ezrihel Ezrihel 1
faba bean 2
faber craftsman, carpenter 25
fabre skillfully, by art 2
fabrefacio to make skillfully 6
fabrefio to be made with skill, be made artificially 1
fabrica workshop, building 3
fabricatio structure, construction 1
fabricator maker, contriver 3
fabrico to build, make 30
fabricor to make, fabricate 10
fabula story, narrative 14
fabulatio fable, story 1
fabulator narrator, storyteller 1
fabulor to speak, converse 2
facies face, appearance 847
facile easily, readily 10
facilis easy 27
facilitas ease, facility 1
facinorosus criminal, villainous 2
facinus deed, act 4
facio to make, do 5819
factio making, doing 1
factor maker, doer 22
factum deed, act 38
factura making, creation 5
facula little torch 4
facultas capability, possibility 12
faex dregs, refuse 7
falcatus armed with scythes, hooked 3