Word Meaning Occurrences
exilium banishment, exile 1
eximius select, uncommon 1
eximo to take out, take away 2
exinanio to empty, make empty 8
exinde from there, after that 16
existimo to value, judge 84
existo to step out, come forth 5
exitium destruction, ruin 1
exitus departure, end 40
exoratio moving by entreaty, appeasing 1
exorcista exorcist 2
exordium beginning, commencement 9
exorior to spring up, rise 15
exoro to persuade by entreaty, prevail upon 8
exosso to deprive of bones, to render helpless 1
exosus hating, detesting 4
expando to spread out, extend 52
expavesco to fear greatly, be terrified 16
expectatio awaiting, expecting 1
expecto to look for, expect 28
expedio to be useful, be expedient 28
expeditio expedition, campaign 2
expeditus unfettered, unimpeded 9
expello to drive out, drive away 32
expendo to weigh out, to spend 5
expensa expense 2
expergefacio to arouse, stir up 5
expergiscor to be awakened, awake 4
experiens experienced 1
experimentum proof, test 11
experior to try, test 10
expers having no part in, lacking 2
expertus experienced, proven 2
expeto to seek after, demand 11
expiatio expiation, satisfaction 13
expio to make satisfaction for, to purify 30
expiro to breathe out, emit 12
explano to make plain, make clear 2
expleo to fill up, fulfill 44
expletio fulfilling, accomplishment 5
explico to unfold, to set forth 4
explorator spy, scout 18
exploro to examine, explore 14
expoliatio plundering 2
expolio to polish, finish 16
expono to put forth, expound 28
exporrigo to stretch out, reach out 1
exporto to carry out, bring out 1
expositio setting forth, exposition 1
expostulo to demand pressingly, insist on 2
exprimo to press out, squeeze 12
exprobrabilis worthy of reproach 2
exprobro to reproach 44
expugnatio taking by assault, storming 1
expugnator conqueror 1
expugno to take by storm, subdue 40
expurgo to purge, cleanse 2
exquiro to seek out diligently, ascertain 38
exquisitio research, inquiry 1
exquisitor investigator 1
exsanguis deprived of blood 1
exsicco to dry up 11
exsolvo to loose, set loose 4
exsors having no share in 1
exspectatio awaiting, expectation 22
exspecto to look for, await 134
exspuo to spit, spit out 11
exstinguo to put out, quench 2
exstructio building up, erecting 1
exstruo to build up, to accumulate 49
exsufflo to breath upon, blow upon 3
exsultatio gladness, rejoicing 48
exsulto to leap for joy, exult 120
exsurgo to rise up 74
exta chief internal organs, entrails 1
extabesco to pass away completely 1
extalis straight gut, rectum 1
extasis rapture, ecstasy 3
extemplo immediately 3
extendo to stretch out 201