Word Meaning Occurrences
exaequo to make even, make equal 2
exaestuo to boil up 3
exagito to rouse, keep in motion 5
exaltatio elevation, exaltation 7
exalto to raise, exalt 194
examen swarm 1
examino to weigh, ponder 10
exanimis lifeless, dead 1
exanimo to deprive of breath, to deprive of life 1
exardeo to blaze, be inflamed 13
exardesco to blaze up, be kindled 10
exaresco to dry up 9
exaro to plough out, dig up 4
exasperatrix she who provokes 1
exaspero to irritate, provoke 23
exaudio to hear clearly, listen to 206
exauditio listening to, granting 1
exauditor one who listens to, grants 1
excaeco to blind 11
excandesco to grow hot, kindle 1
excavo to hollow out 1
excedo to go out, go forth 9
excellens prominent, excellent 5
excello to be eminent, be superior 2
excelsus high, elevated 257
exceptorium receptacle, reservoir 1
excerebro to dash the brains out, to render senseless 1
excessus departure, death 11
excido to cut out, cut off; to fall down, to fail 28
excipio to take out, except 79
excito to raise up, rouse 29
exclamatio exclamation 1
exclamo to cry out, exclaim 58
excludo to shut out, exclude 10
excogitatio thinking out, contriving 1
excogito to think up, contrive 10
excolo to strain out; to cultivate, improve 2
excoquo to boil out, melt out 2
excorio to skin, strip of its skin 1
excors senseless, silly 3
excubiae guard, watch 7
excubitor sentry, watch 1
excubo to sleep out of doors, camp out 11
excurro to run out, run forth 1
excursus excursion, charge 1
excusatio excuse 4
excuso to excuse, make an excuse for 12
excussio shaking down 1
excutio to shake off, shake out 34
execrabilis execrable 8
execramentum abomination 1
execratio cursing, execration 10
execror to curse 5
executio performance, carrying out 1
exedra chamber, hall 6
exemplar pattern, model 18
exemplum example, model 48
exentero to disembowel 1
exeo to go out 493
exequiae funeral procession, burial service 4
exequor to follow up, carry out 3
exerceo to keep busy with, to exercise 32
exercitatio exercise, practice 3
exercitium training, exercise 1
exercito to exercise diligently 9
exercitus army 645
exerro to wander away, to deviate 2
exfornicatus given to fornication 2
exhalo to breathe out, exhale 1
exhaurio to empty, exhaust 5
exhibeo to present, show 34
exhilaro to gladden, cheer 3
exhonoro to dishonor, despise 6
exhorresco to tremble, shudder 1
exhortatio exhortation, encouragement 21
exhortor to exhort, encourage 45
exigo to demand, exact 11
exiguum a little, briefly 1
exiguus scanty, little 14
exilio to spring out, spring forth 18