Word Meaning Occurrences
eselias Eselias 1
esem Esem 1
eser Eser 5
esna Esna 1
esphatha Esphatha 1
esriel Esriel 2
esron Esron 10
estaol Estaol 1
esthamo Esthamo 3
esthaol Esthaol 6
esthaolites Esthaolite 1
esthemo Esthemo 2
esther Esther 37
esthon Esthon 2
esuries hunger, craving 1
esurio to be hungry 84
esus eating, food 5
et and, also 60364
etam Etam 6
etenim truly, and indeed 77
ethai Ethai 9
etham Etham 3
ethan Ethan 9
ethanim Ethanim 1
ethbaal Ethbaal 1
ethecae gallery, portico 2
etheel Etheel 1
ethei Ethei 2
ether Ether 1
ethi Ethi 1
ethnan Ethnan 1
ethnicus heathen 6
etiam also, even 411
etiamsi even if, although 10
etroth Etroth 1
etsi even if, although 49
eubulus Eubulus 2
eucharis gracious, agreeable 1
euge well done! 18
eumenes Eumenes 1
eunice Eunice 2
eunuchus eunuch 63
eupator Eupator 5
euphrates Euphrates 29
eupolemus Eupolemus 2
euroaquilo northeast wind 2
eutychus Eutychus 2
evacuo to empty, to make void 35
evado to evade, escape 37
evagino to unsheathe 17
evanesco to vanish, pass away 9
evangelista evangelist, herald of good news 7
evangelium good news, gospel 158
evangelizo to evangelize, proclaim good tidings 90
evasio avoiding, evading 1
evello to tear out 30
evenio to come out, come to pass 37
eventus occurrence, event 7
evergetes Evergetes 1
everro to sweep out 2
eversio overthrowing, subversion 3
everto to overturn, overthrow 23
evi Evi 1
evidens clear, manifest 7
evidentia clearness, proof 1
evigilo to wake up, awaken 24
evilmerodach Evilmerodach 2
evito to avoid, shun 1
evoco to call out, call forth 1
evodia Evodia 2
evolo to fly out, fly away 1
evolvo to roll out, unroll 9
evomo to spew out, vomit forth 11
evulsio pulling out, extraction 1
ex from, out of 2205
exacerbatio provocation 4
exacerbo to exasperate, irritate 14
exactio driving out, expelling 3
exactor overseer, taskmaster 16
exacuo to sharpen 9