Word Meaning Occurrences
elongo to remove, withdraw 13
elonites Elonite 1
eloquens eloquent 4
eloquentia eloquence 1
eloquium word, utterance 58
eloquor to speak out, speak plainly 2
elphaal Elphaal 3
eltecon Eltecon 1
elthece Elthece 1
eltheco Eltheco 1
eltholad Eltholad 2
elucesco to shine forth 4
elucido to light, enlighten 1
elul Elul 2
eluzai Eluzai 1
elymais Elymais 1
elymas Elymas 2
elzabad Elzabad 1
elzebad Elzebad 1
emalchuel Emalchuel 1
eman Eman 3
emanatio emanation, diffusion 1
emano to flow out 3
emarcesco to wither away 7
emath Emath 37
emendatio correction, amendment 1
emendator corrector, amender 1
emendo to free from faults, correct 3
emer Emer 1
emergo to bring forth, bring to light 2
emigro to move, depart 2
emim Emim 3
eminens prominent, excellent 10
eminentia excellence, eminence 2
emineo to stand out, project 13
emissarius messenger, scout 8
emissio sending out, emission 3
emitto to send, cast forth 55
emmanuel Emmanuel 4
emmaum Emmaum 3
emmaus Emmaus 2
emmer emmer 9
emo to buy, acquire 127
emollio to soften, mollify 1
emolumentum benefit, advantage 2
emona Emona 1
emor 1
emorior to die off, die 8
emoveo to move out, move away 1
emptio buying, purchase 7
emptitius purchased 3
emptor buyer, purchaser 7
emunctorium snuffer 3
emundatio cleansing 10
emundo to cleanse, purify 24
emungo to wipe the nose, blow the nose 3
en see! behold! 42
enac Enac 8
enacim Enacim 9
enadad Enadad 1
enaim Enaim 1
enan Enan 9
enarratio exposition, discourse 2
enarro to explain, declare 40
enato to swim away, escape by swimming 2
encaenia consecration, dedication festival 2
endor Endor 3
engaddi Engaddi 6
engallim Engallim 1
engannim Engannim 2
enhadda Enhadda 1
enhasor Enhasor 1
enim for, indeed 3356
ennom ennom 10
enoch Enoch 4
enon Enon 1
enos Enos 6
ensemes Ensemes 1
ensis sword 5
enumero to reckon up, count over 4