Word Meaning Occurrences
arbitror to think, judge 52
arbor tree 100
arbustum place where trees are planted, tree 4
arca chest, box 231
arcanus hidden, secret 9
arcarius treasurer, controller of public monies 3
arceo to shut up, enclose 1
arceuthinus of the juniper tree 1
archangelus archangel 4
archelaus Archelaus 2
archi Archi 1
archippus Archippus 4
archisynagogus ruler of the synagogue 12
architectus master builder, architect 5
architriclinus chief steward 6
arcto to bind, obligate 4
arcturus Arcturus, the north 4
arctus narrow, confined 4
arcus bow, rainbow 72
ardens burning, fiery 28