Word Meaning Occurrences
dolus deceit, cunning 72
doma roof, house 6
domesticus of a household, domestic 25
domicilium habitation, dwelling 7
domina mistress, lady 17
dominatio rule, dominion 12
dominator ruler, master 25
dominatrix female ruler, mistress 2
dominicus of a lord, of the Lord 6
dominium property, right of ownership 2
dominor to rule, to prevail 109
dominus lord, master 9147
dommim Dommim 1
domo to domesticate, tame 9
domuncula small house 2
domus house 2261
donarium votive offering 12
donatio gift, donation 10
donec until, so long as 392
dono to give, bestow 68
donum gift 83
dor Dor 8
dora Dora 3
dorcas Dorcas 4
dorda Dorda 1
dormio to sleep, to fall asleep 270
dormitatio drowsiness, sleep 2
dormitio sleep, repose 3
dormito to be drowsy, fall asleep 13
dorsum back 26
doryminus Doryminus 1
dos dowry 5
dosithaeus Dositheus 1
dositheus Dositheus 3
dothain Dothain 4
dothan Dothan 1
doto to endow, to give a dowry 2
drachma drachma 10
draco serpent, dragon 61
dromedarius dromedary 1
drusilla Drusilla 2
dubitatio uncertainty, doubt 3
dubito to waver, doubt 7
dubius dubious, doubtful 12
ducatus military command, leadership 5
ducenti two hundred 97
duco to lead, to marry 336
ductilis ductile, malleable 8
ductor leader, guide 9
ductus leading, length 1
dudia Dudia 1
dudum a short time ago, before 3
duel Duel 5
dulcedo sweetness 13
dulcis sweet 39
dulcor sweetness 1
dulcoro to sweeten, sweetened 1
dum while, until 177
duma Duma 3
dummodo so long as, provided that 3
dumtaxat to this extent, as long as 14
duo two 839
duodecim twelve 265
duodecimus twelfth 26
duplex double 47
dupliciter doubly, in two ways 1
duplico to double 7
duplo doubly 2
duplus double 6
dura Dura 1
dure stiffly, roughly 11
duriter roughly, harshly 1
duritia hardness, stubbornness 15
duro to harden 3
durus hard, tough 72
dux leader, chief 267
dyscolus of a bad temper, peevish 2
dysenteria dysentery 2
ebal Ebal 3
ebibo to drink up, drain 1