Word Meaning Occurrences
disperdo to destroy, ruin 109
dispereo to be ruined, be lost 15
dispergo to scatter, disperse; to scatter, disperse 133
dispersio scattering 10
dispertio to distribute, divide 8
displiceo to displease 16
dispono to arrange, establish 53
dispositio arrangement, ordering 12
disputatio argument, discussion 2
disputo to discuss, dispute 30
disquiro to inquire diligently 1
disrumpo to break to pieces 5
disseco to cut in pieces 6
dissemino to spread abroad, disseminate 7
dissensio disagreement, dissension 20
dissentio to differ, dissent 1
dissero to examine, argue 7
dissimilis unlike different 5
dissimulo to feign, disguise 9
dissipatio scattering, dispersal 3
dissipo to scatter, waste 118
dissolutio solution, dissolution 4
dissolutus disjointed, loose 3
dissolvo to unloose, dissolve 54
dissuo to unstitch, rip open 1
distantia distance, difference 6
distendo to stretch, distend 3
distentio stretching out, occupation 1
distermino to divide, limit 1
distillo to drip, trickle down 6
distincte distinctly, clearly 1
distinctio difference, distinction 6
distinguo to separate, divide 6
disto to stand apart, be separate 1
distraho to pull asunder, tear in pieces 1
distribuo to divide, distribute 27
distributio division, distribution 5
distringo to pull off, pull out 3
dithalassus where two seas meet 2
ditio sway, rule 12
dito to enrich 14
diu for a long time 12
diurnus of the day, by day 2
diuturnus of long duration, lasting 1
divello to tear apart, rend asunder 1
diversitas difference, contrariety 4
diversorium lodging place, inn 10
diversus different, diverse 35
diverto to turn aside, to lodge 23
dives rich, wealthy 138
divido to separate, divide 225
divinatio divination, prophecy 14
divinitas godhead, divinity 6
divinitus divinely, by divine influence 3
divino to divine, foretell 9
divinus belonging to a god, divine 25
divisio division, distribution 30
divisor divider, distributor 2
divitiae riches, wealth 119
divulgo to spread abroad, divulge 18
do to give 2613
doceo to teach 325
doch Doch 1
docibilis docile, teachable 4
docilis easily taught, docile 1
docte skillfully, cleverly 1
doctor teacher, instructor 31
doctrina teaching, doctrine 164
doctrix she who instructs 1
doctus learned, skillful 22
dodanim Dodanim 2
dodau Dodau 1
doeg Doeg 6
dogma doctrine, decree 4
doleo to grieve, suffer 45
dolo to cut, hew 7
dolor pain, sorrow 129
dolose craftily, deceitfully 5
dolositas deceit, deceitfulness 1
dolosus crafty, cunning 28