Word Meaning Occurrences
appetitor one that strives for, coveter 2
appetitus longing, eager desire 2
appeto to strive for, reach after 6
apphaim Apphaim 2
apphus Apphus 1
appia Appia 2
appius Appius 2
applaudo to strike, clap 1
applico to bring into contact, to land 60
appono to place near, to add 62
apporto to carry, convey 2
appositio setting before, application 1
apprehendo to take hold of 209
appretio to estimate the value, appraise 5
approbo to assent to, favor 3
appropinquo to come near, approach 142
appropio to approach, come near 15
approximo to be or draw near to, approach 2
apto to adapt, fit 11
aptus fit, suitable 25