Word Meaning Occurrences
destruo to tear down, destroy 145
desudo to sweat, make great exertion 1
desum to be absent, be wanting 60
desuper above, from above 75
desursum from above 9
detentio detaining, abiding 1
deterior worse 14
deterius worse 2
determino to enclose, bound 1
deterreo to frighten off, deter 4
detestabilis execrable, abominable 2
detestatio invocation of a curse 1
detestor to curse, execrate 21
detineo to hold back, detain 16
detractio taking away, slander 7
detractor detractor, slanderer 5
detraho to pull down, to disparage 70
detrecto to decline, refuse 2
detrimentum loss, damage 17
deturbo to thrust down, beat down 1
deturpo to defile, dishonor 4
deus God 6534
deuteronomium second law, copy of the law 2
devasto to lay waste, devastate 5
devenio to come, arrive 25
devio to turn aside, deviate 2
devirgino to deprive of virginity 1
devito to avoid, shun 23
devius out of the way, erratic 3
devolvo to roll down 5
devoratio devouring, gobbling up 4
devorator devourer 3
devoratrix she that devours 1
devoro to swallow up, devour 165
devotatio making of vows, consecration 1
devotio self-sacrifice, offering 2
devotus devoted, faithful 3
devoveo to vow, devote 7
dexter right, on the right side 70
dextera right hand 238
dextrale bracelet 2
dextraliolum little bracelet 1
diabolicus devilish, diabolical 3
diabolus devil 76
diaconus deacon 6
diadema diadem, crown 27
diana Diana 10
dibon Dibon 11
dibongad Dibongad 1
dico to say 8769
dictio speech, utterance 1
dicto to dictate, direct 1
dictum saying, word 2
didrachma double drachma, half-shekel 2
didrachmon double drachma, half-shekel 4
didymus Didymus 6
dies day 3078
dievus Dievus 1
diffamo to proclaim widely, to defame 10
differens different, superior 4
differentia difference, diversity 5
differo to differ, to defer 19
difficile with difficulty 11
difficilis difficult 20
difficultas difficulty, trouble 4
diffidentia distrust, lack of faith 6
diffido to distrust, be diffident 1
diffugio to fly apart, disperse 2
diffugo to put to flight, scatter 1
diffundo to pour out, spread out 16
digero to force apart, separate 6
digitus finger, toe 57
dignatio honor, rank 1
digne worthily, fittingly 17
dignitas worth, merit 11
dignor to deem worthy, deign 8
dignosco to know apart, distinguish 1
dignus worthy 161
dijudico to judge, discern 19
dilabor to fall apart, fall to pieces 3