Word Meaning Occurrences
antequam before 84
antichristus antichrist 10
anticipo to take before, anticipate 3
antiochenus of Antioch, Antiochian 4
antiochia Antioch 51
antiochis Antiochis 1
antiochus Anthiochus 64
antipas Antipas 2
antipater Antipater 2
antipatris Antipatris 2
antiquitas age, antiquity 4
antiquitus of old, long ago 5
antiquo to make old, declare old 2
antiquus old, ancient 65
antistes overseer, overseer of a temple 1
antrum cave, cavern 5
anus old woman; ring, circle 6
anxio to make uneasy, or 2
anxius anxious, troubled 3
aod Aod 7