Word Meaning Occurrences
deficio to fail, faint 185
defigo to fasten, fix 7
definio to set bounds to, mark out 8
definitio limiting, defining 2
deflecto to bend aside, turn away 3
defleo to weep over, lament 1
defluo to flow down, to melt away 24
defodio to dig deep, dig up 1
deforis outside 11
deformis misshapen, deformed 3
deformo to bring out of shape, deform 3
defraudo to defraud, cheat 10
defrico to rub off, rub down 1
defunctio departure, death 1
defunctus departed, dead 12
defungor to depart, die 27
deglutio to swallow down, overwhelm 8
dehonesto to disgrace, dishonor 1
deinceps afterwards, thereafter 31
deinde from there, then 61
deintus from within, inside 2
dejectio casting down, dejection 1
dejero to take an oath, to swear 2
dejicio to cast down 41
delabor to fall, sink 2
delatio accusation, denunciation 1
delator denouncer, informer 1
delatura accusation, denunciation 2
delean Delean 1
delectabilis delightful, agreeable 4
delectamentum delight, amusement 3
delectatio delighting, delight 2
delecto to please, delight 35
delego to send, assign 1
deleo to blot out, destroy 158
delibatio sample, first-fruits 2
delibero to weigh, consider 1
delibo to be plucked, to be ripe for plucking 2
delibuo to besmear, anoint 1
delicate delicately, luxuriously 1
delicatus delicate, soft 11
deliciae delight, pleasure 38
delictum fault, offence 129
delinio to daub, rub over 2
delinquo to fail, do wrong 34
deliramentum nonsense, absurdity 2
delphon Delphon 1
delubrum temple, shrine 12
deludo to play false, mock 3
delus Delus 1
demas Demas 6
demens out of one's mind, mad 1
dementia madness, folly 2
demento to drive mad, to bewitch 2
demergo to sink, submerge 10
demeto to mow down, reap 5
demetrius Demetrius 53
deminoratio degradation, injury 1
demitto to send down, lower 9
demo to take away, subtract 2
demolio to tear down, demolish 5
demolior to tear down, demolish 28
demonstro to show, indicate 20
demophon Demophon 1
demoratio lingering, remaining 1
demoror to linger, remain 19
demum at length, at last 3
denaba Denaba 2
denarius denarius, Roman silver coin 34
denego to reject, refuse 3
deni ten each, by tens 4
denigro to blacken 2
denique even, finally 8
denotatio marking, pointing out 1
denoto to mark out, point out 2
dens tooth 79
densitas thickness, density 1
denso to make thick, thicken 1
densus thick, close 4
denudatio laying bare, uncovering 1