Word Meaning Occurrences
annualis of one year, a year old 1
annullo to annihilate, annul 2
annulus ring 43
annumero to add to, count 7
annuntiatio announcing, announcement 4
annuntiator announcer 2
annuntio to announce, proclaim; to announce, report 144
annuo to nod, wink 15
annus year 919
annuus lasting a year, annual 2
anob Anob 1
ansa handle, haft 9
ansula small handle, small ring 2
ante before, in front of 726
antea before, formerly 12
antecedo to go before, get the start 11
antecessor forerunner, predecessor 3
anteeo to go before, precede 1
antelucanus before dawn 2
antemurale protecting wall, outwork 2