Word Meaning Occurrences
david David 1163
de from, about 5639
dea goddess 4
dealbo to whiten, whitewash 11
deambulacrum place to walk, promenade 1
deambulatio walk, promenade 1
deambulo to walk about, take a walk 10
deargento to plate with silver 1
deauro to gild, overlay with gold 11
debbaseth Debbaseth 1
debbora Debbora 8
debelaim Debelaim 1
debellator conqueror, subduer 1
debello to fight to a finish, to vanquish 10
debeo to be obliged, owe 192
debera Debera 1
debilis crippled, disabled 20
debilito to cripple, to weaken 5
debitor debtor 18
debitum debt 20
deblatha Deblatha 1
deblathaim Deblathaim 1
debora Debora 1
decachordum musical instrument of ten strings 2
decalvo to make bald, shear 9
decanto to sing, recite 4
decanus commander over ten men, officer 3
decapolis Decapolis 6
decedo to go away, depart 1
decem ten 278
deceptio deception 8
decerno to decide, determine 40
decerpo to pluck off, tear away 1
decerto to go through a contest 2
decet it is fitting, it is suitable 21
decido to fall down, fall away 30
decies ten times 4
decima tenth part, tithe 83
decimatio taking of a tenth, tithing 2
decimo to pay tithes, to make to pay tithes 6
decimus tenth 64
decimusoctavus eighteenth 1
decimusseptimus seventeenth 1
decipio to catch, deceive 78
decipula snare, trap 2
decla Decla 2
declaratio making clear, disclosure 1
declaro to disclose, make evident 8
declino to turn aside, decline 126
declivis sloping downwards, declining 1
decollo to behead 11
decoloro to discolor, alter the natural color of 1
decor beauty, ornament 42
decoro to adorn, embellish 7
decortico to peel, deprive of bark 2
decorus fitting, seemly 23
decrepitus very old, decrepit 1
decresco to grow less, become fewer 2
decretum decree 23
decumbo to lie down, recline 2
decuplus tenfold 1
decurio decurion, commander of a decuria 5
decurro to run down, to sail under the lee of 12
decursus downward course, descent 1
decus ornament, beauty 10
dedan Dedan 6
dedanim Dedanim 1
dedecus disgrace, dishonor 5
dedicatio dedication, consecration 16
dedico to dedicate, consecrate 11
dedo to give up, devote 6
deduco to lead away, lead about 115
defaeco to cleanse from dregs, purify 1
defatigo to weary out, tire 1
defectio failing, fainting 6
defendo to defend, protect 22
defensio defense 14
defensor defender, protector 3
defero to carry, bring 63
defervesco to cease boiling, cool down 1