Word Meaning Occurrences
complures several, many 2
compono to arrange, put in order 35
comporto to bring together, collect 16
compositio composition, arrangement 9
compositus well-arranged, orderly 5
comprehendo to take hold of, grasp 105
comprehensio seizing, laying hold of 1
comprimo to press together, squeeze 16
comprobo to approve, assent to 11
comptus adorned, arrayed 1
compugno to fight together 1
compunctio remorse, sting of conscience 3
compungo to sting 7
computo to count up, calculate 23
computresco to rot, putrefy 13
conatus attempt, effort 2
concalesco to grow hot, glow 1
concaptivus fellow captive 7
concateno linked together, of chain mail 1
concedo to yield, allow 28
concentus harmony, concord 1
conceptio conception, becoming pregnant 3
conceptus conception, conceiving 8
concertatio strife, conflict 1
concertor to contend zealously 2
concessio granting, conceding 1
concha shellfish, shell 3
concido to cut up, cut in pieces; to fall down, collapse 30
concieo to bring together, collect 2
concilio to bring together, unite 1
concilium assembly, council 57
concinno to prepare, cause 11
concino to sing, play together 5
concio assembly, convocation 3
concionor to make a speech, address 2
concipio to receive, conceive 69
concise briefly, concisely 1
concisio cutting to pieces, destruction 5
concisus abrupt, short 2
concito to stir up, excite 45
conclamo to cry out together, shout 7
conclave room, chamber 4
concludo to shut up, enclose 54
conclusio shutting up, shutting in 2
conclusus shut up, enclosed 2
concordatio concord, reconciliation 2
concordia agreement, concord 6
concordo to agree, be united 2
concorporalis belonging to the same body, comrade 2
concreatus created together 2
concremo to burn up, consume 6
concrepo to sound, make a noise 6
concresco to grow together, condense 4
concubina concubine 33
concubitor sleeping partner 4
concubitus lying together, copulation 5
conculcatio treading underfoot 7
conculco to trample, to abuse 56
concumbo to lie together, lie with 8
concupio to desire greatly, covet 12
concupiscentia longing, desire 64
concupiscibilis desirable, covetous 1
concupisco to desire, covet 34
concurro to run together 20
concursio concurrence, concourse 2
concursus running together, concourse 4
concussio shaking, concussion 1
concutio to strike, shake 20
condecet it is fitting, it is suitable 1
condelector to share pleasure 2
condemnatio condemnation 9
condemno to condemn 60
condensus dense, thick 7
condico to agree upon, promise 6
condignus worthy, becoming 5
condio to make savory, season 11
condiscipulus school-mate, fellow disciple 2
conditio foundation, creation 5
conditor maker, builder 3
conditus seasoned, savory 1